Atlas Obscura's Reyhan Harmanci politely explains that rudeness among medical staffers has devastating effects on patients. Here’s to harmony in hospitals.

Atlas Obscura's Reyhan Harmanci politely explains that rudeness among medical staffers has devastating effects on patients. Here’s to harmony in hospitals.
Is the eldest child always the smartest? Is the youngest sibling destined to be spoiled? Throw out everything you know about birth order science because Marketplace reporter Mark Garrison tells us about a new study which shows that birth order has little to no effect on personality or intelligence.
Anna Sale, host and managing editor of WNYC's Death, Sex & Money, tells us about improvements to canes for the visually impaired; a special model can now can identify faces, and transmit that information to the user.
DPD listener Cathryn Poff sent us this sadly timely drink recipe.