This week, Brendan enlisted the help of etiquette ambassadors Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning. Listen as they sit in the driver's seat for the segment and help our a listener deal with a spouse who grips their fork like a cave man, and more.

This week, Brendan enlisted the help of etiquette ambassadors Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning. Listen as they sit in the driver's seat for the segment and help our a listener deal with a spouse who grips their fork like a cave man, and more.
Each week you send in your questions about how to behave, and here to answer them this time is Kyle Mooney. You know him as a cast member on "Saturday Night Live," the movie "Zoolander 2," and he's now starring in a film he created with an old writing partner, "Brigsby Bear." He tells our listeners what to do with sneaky party DJs, the best way to eat bacon, and more.
The food savant opines about leftover distribution, white velvet suit maintenance, and the breadth of the human experience. (OK, as it relates to cooking.)
Often we ask totally unqualified celebrities to answer etiquette questions, but this time around, we've called in etiquette reinforcements. Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning are the great-great-grandkids of Emily Post and our all-around protectors of politeness. They are co-authors of "Emily Post's Etiquette: The 18th Edition." You can also catch them hosting the podcast "Awesome Etiquette." We mined their expertise to help our listeners with the back-seat Uber driver quandaries, proposal problems, and more.
Every week on "The Dinner Party Download" we bring in a fascinating culture figure to tell us what's new in their world and also to answer your etiquette questions This week, "Outlander" star Sam Heughan takes on a dish envy dilemma and more.
Anderson Cooper has worked as reporter and anchor for CNN for 15 years. He also happens to be the son of one of the most interesting news subjects in the world -- designer Gloria Vanderbilt. Together they've written a new book called "The Rainbow Comes And Goes: A Mother And Son On Life, Love, And Loss." He shares what he's learned from their candid correspondence and expertly handles our audiences' etiquette woes.
Each week you send in your questions about how to behave and here to answer them this week are our resident etiquette celebrities, Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning, the great-great-grandkids of Emily Post. The two etiquette mavens tackle tricky listener questions about post-meal messes, fancy wine faux pas, and how to handle conversations with conspiracy-loving co-workers.
The master thespian weighs in on our listeners' etiquette questions, and recalls a Jell-O fueled soirée with Gore Vidal.
T.J. Miller made his name as a stand-up comedian and he's lent his dulcet voice to the animated film "Big Hero 6" and to a ball of mucus in Mucinex commercials. But lately he's earned raves and a Critics' Choice Award for his lead role on the HBO sitcom "Silicon Valley." As this week’s etiquette guru, he comes laden with wisdom… and a rusty old tin cup.
Emily Post's great-great-grandkids Lizzie Post and Dan Post-Senning return bearing a bag full of etiquette tips for holiday gift-givers, napkin-folders, and Santa fact-checkers.