DPD listener Lee Kasner, of Tampa, FL writes:
*”I heard the small talk segment about the water menu at a fancy restaurant… and was reminded of the “Penn & Teller’s Bulls–t” episode where they open a fancy restaurant with a water menu. So is this another joke or were Penn & Teller just ahead of their time?”*
Well, Lee, it’s apparently not a joke. While the Wall Street Journal’s Mary Pilon — who wrote the article that started this storm of controversy — originally left the restaurant in question unnamed, [she came clean today](http://online.wsj.com/video/water-bottle-gate/9DF33FF3-7778-4E09-BBD9-77B46CF5204B.html) and revealed it to be L.A.’s [Bazaar](http://thebazaar.com/).
Anyway, here’s the eerily portentous video Lee’s talking about (NOTE – adult language). The relevant bit’s about five minutes in:
“It’s a natural [diuretic](http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=7103).” Genius.
Small Talk