So which songs were the most popular? Because we’re huge nerds, we made this handy infographic for you:

We didn’t want to just stop at raw. Many of you wrote in and tweeted really thoughtful responses on why you picked the songs you did. We’ve highlighted a few great comments below:
“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”
“I can’t think of another TV theme song that so perfectly reflects the world of the show. Kimmy is running from her brief tabloid notoriety, and the autotuned remix of her news story is exactly the sort of on-trend development that would give Kimmy culture shock coming out of the bunker.”
– Frank
“When ‘M*A*S*H’ was in reruns, my wife and I would watch them in bed after the 10 p.m. news, and our four kids — even though some were teenagers — would all pile into the bedroom, climb on the bed or lay on the floor and watch ‘M*A*S*H’ with us. Now that we are empty nesters, hearing the theme song brings back the joy of being together as family.”
– Bob
“The Facts of Life”
“’The Facts of Life’ song perfectly captures with an upbeat tempo the themes of adolescent angst developed in the show; namely looks, boys, friendships and most of all growing into adulthood. The lyrics emphasize both the good and bad of life and in the end puts the responsibility on the individual in the last line, ‘The facts of life is all about you.’ Heavy stuff contained in a cheerful disguise!”
– Judith
@dinnerpartydnld Battlestar Galactica. Instrumental. Made for humming and bombastic gesticulating.
— Audrey Ewell (@AudreyEwell) April 3, 2016
@dinnerpartydnld Night Court!
— Kelsi Stoehr (@KelsiPants) April 6, 2016
@dinnerpartydnld A group of friends and I sang the Golden Girls theme song at our high school senior awards day.
— Becca Stout (@TheBeccaStout) April 3, 2016