Southern filmmaker Jeff Nichols (“Mud,” the new “Midnight Special”) brings sci-fi down to earth, then offers up some pearls of wisdom… One of the art world’s bright lights, Dan Colen, muses on his new visions– part-Disney, part-J.M.W. Turner… Scene-stealer and storyteller Lauren Weedman tells a tale of moms and “Miss Fortune”… We recall the day when Niagara did not Fall… Stuart Staples (of Tindersticks) spins a soundtrack that’s easygoing and elegiac… And we check the hype on the (deep breath!) scotch shortage. Plus, advice with “Ask Polly,” & a new breed of biker-rebel.

Jeff Nichols - 'Never Trust An Atom'
The director, who talks to Rico about his new film "Midnight Special," shares a teeny joke.

The Hairy Controversy in Professional Cycling
Writer Danielle Henderson stops by to talk about how rebel cyclist Peter Sagan, who got a few people talking when he bucked the trend and competed with the hair on his legs intact.

The Eerie Day the Niagara Falls Went Dry
Around this time, back in the 19th century, one of the wonders of the natural world... became one of the creepiest.

Tindersticks Infuse a Playlist With Bittersweet Memories
Playing DJ this week is Stuart Staples of the beloved UK band Tindersticks. Their literate, atmospheric pop has graced the soundtrack of "The Sopranos," and of six films by the auteur Claire Denis. The band just celebrated their 25th anniversary by releasing their 11th studio LP "The Waiting Room."

Jeff Nichols Celebrates Men of Few Words
Jeff Nichols is probably best known for his hit coming-of-age thriller "Mud," which helped re-launch Matthew McConaughey's career... although Nichols' go-to actor is Michael Shannon. The actor has appeared in all four of his film, including his new one: the tender sci-fi drama "Midnight Special." The director talks to Rico about the films and filmmakers that influenced him and explains how he tries to accurately portray his Southern roots on the silver screen.

Lauren Weedman Tells a Tale of Moms and 'Miss Fortune'
Lauren Weedman turned heads with her scene-stealing role on HBO's "Looking" -- which earned her a Critic's Choice nomination. She's also turned her colorful life into nine one-woman shows and two books. The latest is "Miss Fortune: Fresh Perspectives on Having It All from Someone Who Is Not Okay." She tells us about the Paul Simon concert that saved her family life.

Dan Colen on Painting Big Clouds in Big Cloud Country
World-renowned artist Dan Colen's work is a part of the Whitney museum's permanent collection, among others. The artist discusses a triptych of paintings he contributed to a show at the Marfa Myths festival which were inspired by a scene from the 1940 Disney musical "Fantasia."

Heather Havrilesky Gives Us the Silent Treatment
Each week, you send in your questions about how to behave and here to answer them this week is writer Heather Havrilesky. She writes the popular advice column, Ask Polly and this year, she'll release her second book called, "How to be a Person in the World." Listen as she solves listener questions about family members prying into their love lives and hosts who insist you leave your shoes at the door.

Why You Shouldn't Believe the Hype About the Whiskey Shortage
If you believe news stories that have been flying around for the last few months... the world's in the midst of a whiskey shortage. So to find out more, Rico spoke to Reid Mitenbuler, who recently wrote a book about the history of American whiskey. He's got a contrarian view of the so-called "shortage" and explains why.

6 Whiskey Recommendations From Reid Mitenbuler That Won't Break the Bank
The "Bourbon Empire" author offers up a few selections of Scotch and American whiskeys.