Musician Conor Oberst gives us a topography lesson … A new movie – and fail-safe flirting tips – from actor Griffin Dunne… ‘Freakonomics’ Stephen Dubner is your kryptonite …. Colson Whitehead becomes a gambling man … Inventing the futuristic fastener Velcro … Why bad words might be good for you … Annabelle Gurwitch finds lust in a hopeless place … And we inspect teff: a tiny grain with a huge upside.

"Sharp Hybrid Design" - Stephen Dubner
An uncomfortable joke the author originally wrote for a twelve year old.

Foul Language for Fine Health
Studies suggest that swearing can have physiological benefits and help to ease pain and stress.

Getting Stuck with Velcro
How an Alpine plant inspired the space-age 'zipperless zipper' we know as Velcro.

Colson Whitehead Deals Out Poker Lore
For his newest book, acclaimed author Colson Whitehead inserted himself deep into the world of high-stakes poker. He shares a list of poker inspirations from books and film.

Conor Oberst Moves Midwestern Mountains
The indie-folk musician behind Bright Eyes and other projects talks about music as a process of finding truth and coping with an overwhelming world.

I Fell in Love with a "Genius"
Actress Annabelle Gurwitch reads an excerpt from her memoir, “I See You Made an Effort: Compliments, Indignities, and Survival Stories from the Edge of 50,” about needing a little help from a young man at the Apple Genius Bar.

Stephen Dubner Offers to Retrain Your Brain
Half of the bestselling "Freakonomics" duo applies behavioral economics to our listeners' etiquette dilemmas.

Tiny Teff Hits a Huge Market
A new company is betting Ethiopia's staple grain -- tiny, tiny, Teff -- will catch on with gluten-freers in America... and in the process help Ethiopian farmers. Rico learns it makes pretty good pancakes, too.

Discovering Griffin Dunne (Again)
Actor, director, and film producer Griffin Dunne talks about returning to the starring role after years behind the camera - and shares some secrets about his famous aunt, Joan Didion.
Playlist: Episode 253
Music from this week's show.