This week: Bob Odenkirk, comedy polymath & “Breaking Bad” breakout star, talks sketch and Saul… … Pop provacateur Peaches strips down etiquette… Folk-rock icon Linda thompson plays party DJ … Small island, big library … Food writer Nigel slater recalls pre-parm Britain … Behind the scenes with Johnny Carson … Leafy green humor … And a flood of beer was not as fun as it sounds.

“Purple Stuff On Salad” – Listener Steve
Citizen of Salt Lake City and valued DPD listener

Every Viking Gives Birth to a Book
Sadie Stein of The Paris Review shares a new BBC report which names Iceland's 300,000 residents the most bookish population in the world.

The Great London Beer Flood
This week back in 1814, enormous vats of ale at London’s Meux Brewery burst, letting loose a tsunami of beer. Sound awesome? Not for the people it killed. Hear the sobering tale, and chase it with a cocktail that won’t help you dry out.

Folk icon Linda Thompson Plays DJ, Parties til Dawn
Linda Thompson was one of the biggest names in English folk-rock of the 1970s. Now she is back with the second record in a recent come-back, fifty years after her musical career began.

Bob Odenkirk's 'Breaking' Bliss & 'The Birthday Boys'
Actor and comedian Bob Odenkirk is best known as Saul on "Breaking Bad" and for his own influential sketch show "Mr. Show." His latest project is a generally upbeat and silly new sketch series, but he's not giving up his "angry old man energy" just yet.

Peaches Does Etiquette
Pop star and performance artist Peaches has made a career of fun, whimsical work that challenges serious themes of sexism, homophobia, and intolerance - so she helps our listeners address some everyday injustices.

Nigel Slater and His Sentimental Pans
Nigel Slater is among the most famous and beloved food writers in the world - but, he tells us, he's neither chef nor celebrity.

Johnny Carson, Off the Air
Henry Bushkin was a confidant, lawyer, and friend to Johnny Carson - and the Carson that Bushkin knew was very different from the "Tonight Show" host's jolly public persona.
Playlist: Episode 223
Heard something you liked? Here's all of the music in this week's show.