This week: “Short Term 12” star Brie Larson fears oranges & lobsters… Baz Luhrmann talks movie music from Bee Gees to Gatsby… author Juan Gabriel Vásquez shares a story of narco-trafficking and lost hippos… A Jimmy Buffet song brings indie band Dale Earnhardt Jr Jr to tears… We learn about the real-life divas who inspired Melba Toast and Fettuccine Alfredo… and Emily Post’s great-great grandkids offer etiquette for present and future. Plus: The history of the cold war hot line, and we learn tardiness is a medical condition.

“An Only Child” – Baz Luhrmann

The Time Has Come for Chronic Lateness Condition
The medical community has a new diagnosis: Chronic Lateness

The Cold War 'Red Phone' Isn't Really a Phone
Cold War communiques between Washington and Moscow were dangerously slow. Leaders agreed to establish a "hot line" - but it wasn't the famous red phone you've heard about.

Dale Earnhardt Jr Jr Relive Nightmares for your Listening Pleasure
Detroit indie-popsters Dale Earnhardt Jr Jr give us a playlist designed to stimulate conversation - and cleanliness.

Brie Larson Talks 'Short Term' Magic, and Lobster Cannibalism
Brie Larson has packed a lot of career into the last few years. Her newest project, "Short Term 12," is a challenging drama - which is also occasionally very funny - but she would prefer to talk about the Renaissance, okay? That or how lobsters are now eating each other.

A Novel Glimpse of Colombia, from Juan Gabriel Vasquez
Juan Gabriel Vasquez's new novel, "The Sound of Things Falling," sets a noirish investigation into a mysterious figure amid the darkness of Colombia's notorious drug trade.

The Real-Life Divas Behind Food Names from Melba to Margherita
Stacy Conradt recently researched a number of popular food items named after real people - be they the dish's inventor or inspiration.

The Past, Present, and Future of Politeness with the Posts
Lizzie Post and Daniel Post-Senning are always on the cutting-edge of etiquette. While issues of "biotech-tiquette" might still be a few years away from the mainstream, they are also up to answer modern-day questions, from online dating to old-fashioned wedding invitations.

Baz Luhrmann Follows Tradition by Going Modern
Baz Luhrmann was perfecting the soundtrack of his life years before he created the acclaimed soundtracks for his movies. We talked to him about the role of music in film, and about his Bowie-influenced eclecticism.
Playlist: Episode 216
A list of tracks in this week's show.