This Week: “Stoker” star Matthew Goode on being a creepy Uncle and devoted Dad… Talk show legend Dick Cavett tells us how to ‘Hitchcock’… Essayist Michelle Orange undergoes a cinematic identity crisis… Ryan Quincy, creator of TV’s “Out There,” comes of age… Indie darlings Adam Green and Binki Shapiro turn scraps and metal into a dinner party soundtrack… How to run away with the circus… And Rico pays his last respects to a Tiki landmark… Plus, fly jokes, upside-downers, and woolly drinks.
Ryan Quincy Gets Animated
Ryan Quincy - director of the new animated series “Out There” - tells a joke that’s not for button-down types.
Patt Morrison shares good and bad news
LA Times columnist and KPCC-FM Special Correspondent Patt Morrison shares a new scientific finding that’s the ultimate case of good news, bad news.

Animator/Director Ryan Quincy comes of age
For over a decade Ryan Quincy contributed to “South Park” as an animator/director. Now he’s launched his own animated show “Out There” (Friday nights on IFC); its mixture of sweetness and slow-burn comedy has earned comparisons to beloved coming-of-age shows like “Freaks and Geeks.” He tells us a little about the project, then lists his favorite depictions of adolescence in all of its angst and awesomeness.

Talk show legend Dick Cavett channels Hitchcock and Hepburn
On his own “The Dick Cavett Show,” talk show icon Dick Cavett traded stories and witticisms with everyone from Grouch Marx to John Lennon. He’s now a featured columnist for The New York Times. Dick talks about being a little kid with an over-sized voice, and then he puts those pipes to use with killer impersonations of Hepburn and Hitchcock. There’s etiquette advice somewhere in there, too.
'Do I Know You?' - Essayist Michelle Orange's Sly Study of Comparison
Michelle Orange’s articles and fiction have appeared in the New York Times, The Nation and McSweeney’s. (She’s also a founding literary editor of The Rumpus.) Her latest collection, “This Is Running For Your Life,” artfully blends personal essay and her love of pop culture, especially film. We overhear an excerpt from “Do I Know You?” which analyzes an identity crisis, of sorts.
We mourn the passing of tiki-themed restaurant Bahooka
This month, Southern California will say goodbye to an institution. Bahooka, one of the few surviving examples of mid-century, South-Pacific themed “tiki”-style restaurants, is closing after 50 years in business. Rico visits the eatery and talks tiki with with Sven Kirsten, the author of “The Book Of Tiki,” a sort of the Bible on the subject.
Actor Matthew Goode on being devoted dad and creepy uncle
British actor Matthew Goode made a lasting impression as Colin Firth’s lover in Tom Ford’s “A Single Man.” He’s also starred in Woody Allen’s “Match Point.” This week, he teams with another iconic director - “Oldboy“‘s Park Chan-Wook - for the dark, Hitchcock-ian thriller “Stoker,” co-starring Nicole Kidman and Mia Wasikowska. Matthew chats with Brendan about blank slates, childish things, and playing the crazy uncle (quite literally).
Adam Green & Binki Shapiro serve up a dark-but-sweet playlist
Adam Green - of anti-folk-band The Moldy Peaches - & Binki Shapiro, singer for the band Little Joy, just released an album called (wait for it) Adam Green and Binki Shapiro. This spring they head out on tour. They serve up a soundtrack shot through with darkness, dinosaurs…and divorce?! Yep.
Playlist: Episode 190
Other Music In this Week’s Show: The Sea & Cake - “The Argument” Aphex Twin - “Boy/Girl Song” Tipsy - “Liquordelic” Jurgen Kneiper - “Urstromtal (The Glacial Valley)” Theme from A Philadelphia Story Danzig - “Sistinas” The Oh Sees - “If I Stay Too Long” Jarvis Cocker - “Leftovers” Adam Green and Binki Shapiro - “Just to Make Me Feel Good”