This week: Director David O. Russell (“Silver Linings Playbook,” “The Fighter”) steals the show…The Velvet Underground’s John Cale experiments with a list… Writer George Saunders weighs man purses and messenger bags…Comedian Nick Kroll (“Kroll Show”) tries to mix Oktoberfest and Yom Kippur – then has to flee Germany…We learn about the birth of Texas Oil Boom and drink a slick cocktail…And there’s a new French dessert to swoon over…Plus, brilliant hatchet jobs, a viola-nt joke, and a trippy track from Foxygen.
Playlist 183
Music from episode 183
Foxygen - "San Francisco"
One for the Road: Foxygen - "San Francisco"

Filmmaker David O. Russell on Hollywood's Silver Linings
It was a pretty good week for filmmaker David O Russel - is "Silver Linings Playbook" picked up film fest honors and eight Academy Award nominations - which gave him a little something to sing about.