A solo visit from Lizzie Post this week to discuss cross-cultural kissing, cross-office whistling, and the essential origins of all etiquette rules.

A solo visit from Lizzie Post this week to discuss cross-cultural kissing, cross-office whistling, and the essential origins of all etiquette rules.
At our recent live show in Chapel Hill, NC, rock drummer and known funny-person Jon Wurster took the stage to answer etiquette questions... and sing us the most misheard rock lyric in history.
Grammar lessons, architecture jokes, polka left-overs and drugging your sibling: parody king "Weird Al" Yankovic answers listener questions.
Historian Clay Jenkinson hosts the The Thomas Jefferson Hour, in which answers questions in the character of Thomas Jefferson. He takes on the persona for us to answer modern etiquette questions with Jeffersonian reason.
Bestselling novelist Jackie Collins answers audience etiquette live on stage at our June, 2014 event. It gets a little saucy, and not solely because her latest project is a cookbook.
Filmmaker, contemporary art scene staple, author, and camp aficionado John Waters tells us about his cross-country hitch-hiking road trip, and preferring bikers to shrimpers.
Lizzie Post and Daniel Post-Senning are suiting up in their tights and capes to fight some etiquette crime.
Comedy writer Kristin Newman had a successful career in Hollywood sitcoms, but as her friends started settling down, she felt the urge to get away. Her new memoir of that escape is called "What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding."
Half of the bestselling "Freakonomics" duo applies behavioral economics to our listeners' etiquette dilemmas.
Stand-up comic Marc Maron hosts the uber-popular podcast, WTF, and portrays a fictionalized version of himself in the TV series, "Maron," the second season of which debuted this week on IFC. He offers listeners advice on cats, subway creeps, and - most importantly - what to do when Hitler steals your time machine.